2023 Women in Construction: Joy Lexian Liaw, Mark Design Studios Architecture, P.C.

March 28, 2023 - Spotlights
Joy Lexian Liaw, RA, LEED AP 
Project Architect
Mark Design Studios Architecture, P.C.

In the past year, what project or accomplishment are you most proud of? In 2022, Nino’s Beach, a waterfront restaurant in Manorhaven that I managed opened after years of delay due to COVID and material shortages. We felt a great sense of accomplishment since it was a structurally challenging site as it is built on existing timber piers. Having resiliency to overcome all challenges was the key to turn a sinking building into a stunning restaurant. Currently, I am working on a building addition to a school Central Administration Office in Valley Stream, we cannot wait for its completion next month to see the administrators, parents and children put the building to use. Building better places for the public and children in my own county is an exciting and meaningful mission to me. 

How can AEC companies recruit more women? Although I have a lot of female classmates & colleagues, the AEC industry remains to be a male-dominant field while women face challenges from discrimination, inflexible hours, lack of advancement to few mentorship opportunities with the added burden of a culture of long hours and low pay. AEC companies can recruit and retain women in construction by embracing gender diversity; offering competitive pay & benefits; providing flexible working hours & career opportunities. 

What is your favorite building in New York?

There are many great buildings in New York and one of my favorite buildings is the Oculus, the centerpiece of the World Trade Center Transportation Hub. Despite of its extended delays & high costs, its exterior to resemble the image of a bird released from a child’s hands is striking while the white interior is even more appealing. It represents the city’s rebirth which makes NYC so iconic & popular; the spiritual dimension of the emerging structure goes beyond a creative and artistic building. 

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