2023 Ones to Watch Industry Leaders: Remy Raisner, The Raisner Group

June 27, 2023 - Spotlights
Remy Raisner
Founder & CEO
The Raisner Group

Number of years in CURRENT position: 14

Best advice for new leaders in 10 words or less: Be yourself, create and develop your own style

What was one of your biggest challenges as a leader and how did you overcome it? From a purely personal perspective, growth. One is always its biggest challenge. I try to challenge myself every day. It is too easy to keep to your comfort zone. In particular, developing a bold vision, implementing it and sticking to it requires tremendous mental effort. I hope to be doing well at this. We want to become the largest landlords in North Central Brooklyn, then Brooklyn, then more. All while enjoying what we are doing to the fullest.

What makes this nominee an Industry Leader? “His drive. I have worked with Remy since his start in 2009. He was a total outsider to the real estate industry. I have witnessed him building his company from a credit card line to a leading Brooklyn landlord. Few professionals have this sort of story.” - Boris Sorin, Esq., Partner at Sylvor, & Sorin, LLP.

3 skills that you use every day in your position: Quick maths, delegation and multi-tasking.

Best book, podcast, or app for aspiring leaders: Zero to One by Peter Thiel. This provides the right mindset.

What recent project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of? I am proud of the growth of our company since COVID-19 shut down New York City. In a time of high uncertainty, we decided to double down on Brooklyn and New York, and started aggressively purchasing properties towards the end of 2020, feeling confident about the future. This strategy has handsomely paid off today, as emerging Brooklyn has since developed at its fastest pace ever. I personally never doubted the future of New York City.

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