Mission Capital Advisors, LLC
Number of years in CURRENT position: 5
3 skills that you use every day in your position: Effective listening/communication, networking and time management
Best book, podcast, or app for aspiring leaders: There isn’t one specific book or podcast I point to; however, I am on LinkedIn several times a day. Sometimes for networking, sometimes to communicate with colleagues or clients, sometimes to listen to a shared podcast episode, or read an article. It’s great for the skills I mentioned above, but it’s also a great real-time tool to get a pulse on the industry. Based on posts, you see what people are nervous about, excited about, wary about, etc. It also gives you an opportunity to maintain long lost connections through birthday or job announcement posts.
Best advice for new leaders in 10 words or less: Find a mentor or similar and absorb everything you can.
What recent project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of? Over the past decade, I’ve dedicated myself to acquiring a wide range of skills and knowledge to excel in my role, specifically learning from mentors and colleagues, pursuing a graduate degree, and leveraging my experiences and industry expertise to provide exceptional service. By fostering a collaborative approach, I’ve cultivated strong relationships with both the Marcus & Millichap investment sales agents and Capital Markets teams. These internal relationships have proven beneficial to our company and clients.
What makes this nominee an Industry Leader? “Becky consistently demonstrates a collaborative and proactive approach. She provides exceptional client service and manages her lender relationships with a meticulous level of care by being exceptionally prepared, identifying optimal solutions and employing profound honesty in her approach.” - Erika Banach, First Vice President, Corporate Strategy & Development at Marcus & Millichap Capital Corporation.

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