CEO Licensed Real Estate Broker
Djurkovic Investment Properties
Jennifer Djurkovic of Djurkovic Investment Properties worked closely with a NYC based developer that is building north of 200 units. Part of the developer’s responsibility was to contribute something to that community. There are options for this community development in order to get approval to bring that many units to the market. Whether it’s a park or the foundation for a school or other clear benefits for an emerging area. Her idea was to build a learning center for children with computers and printers while providing weekly tutors that teach children basic skills from learning how to read and other basic computer skills. This type of after school center provides an outlet for kids that can get them on the right path and can help them stay out of trouble. Jennifer’s idea was a success and the developer is in talks with Sesame Street. Djurkovic said “They are doing a segment in the future”. She expressed that was definitely one of the highlights at her firm.
What recent project, transaction, or accomplishment are you most proud of?
I recently made “The Leadership Tree”, which is the 29 investment sales companies in NYC, (or divisions of companies), owned by, or run by, real estate brokers who were employed by and learned the business at Massey Knakal Realty Services. As most people know, Massey Knakal “MK” was founded by Bob Knakal and Paul Massey back in 1988. In the industry they refer to us as the “Massey Knakal Mafia”. Bob and Paul are sometimes called the Godfathers of investment sales. They believed in all of us at MK which enabled Bob and Paul to spawn a generation of amazing talent through their love of what they do. They put themselves on a level playing field with the rest of us in many ways. They weren’t in a private office as they were in the Bullpen, in a cubicle like the rest of the team of brokers. Hearing them on the phone working and closing deals was inspiring and exciting. The Massey Knakal School always utilized countless winning formulas such as “putting your clients interest above your own no matter what”. Their management style and work ethic made all the leaders of the 29 firms unstoppable, “We are all like PORSCHES with no BRAKES”. I think that’s a big reason why we all flourished in this cut throat game of CRE. MK had a dominant market share of investment sales in NYC from 2001-2014 according to CoStar. The #2 firm had sold 1,587 properties during the stretch that MK sold over 5,000 properties. This success enabled MK to sell the company to Cushman & Wakefield for 100M in 2014. The industry will always be influenced by MK’s standards and will be perpetuated by the companies referred to as their leadership tree.
Who inspires you most? What qualities do they possess that inspire you most?
My late father is the person that will forever inspire me the most. My father had such a tenacity about him. He would always say if one door closes climb through the window. He also said “Your Ego is not your Amigo” so I always took that as a suggestion to get over yourself, be humble and work hard. Although competition can be healthy in the right situation, competing with everyone in every situation can be a weakness. He always stressed the importance of working as a team and to team up with people that are better than you which makes a stronger team This concept is conveyed with new hires and existing staff everyday at my firm which I call implementing “ Jazo Law” (My old man’s name) . Not a day goes by that I don’t remember his kindness and compassion for other people. His sense of humor was contagious and I try to carry it, his charm and grace in every situation.

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