Chief Marketing Officer
ACRES Capital
In the last 12 months, what was your TOP career highlight? I developed and executed a comprehensive and cohesive communications strategy. This includes clarifying the branding, updating the logo, refreshing the website with relevant content, revamping the sales collateral and launching the company’s first intranet to ensure that the team has the information they need to communicate confidently with our stakeholders.
In the last 12 months, what ONE award were you most proud to receive? To be honest, this past year I dedicated my time to championing my company’s accomplishments. This spotlight is the first one for just me in a long time!
In the last 12 months how have you helped your industry grow through professional creativity, innovation and leadership? As commercial real estate provides the infrastructure of a given community, this year we have committed to strengthening our community partnerships. We are dedicated to being a good corporate citizen through our support of numerous ESG initiatives and look forward to expanding our reach in the coming years.
What advice would you give the next generation of women in your industry?
Always start with the end in mind. Take a wholistic view of a given strategy and make sure you have the right team support to execute. Coming up with creatives ideas is less than half the battle -- the real value is in the execution.

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