2022 Industry Leaders: Michael Lefkowitz, Rosenberg & Estis

September 27, 2022 - Spotlights

Nominee’s Name & Job Title: Michael Lefkowitz, Managing Member & Leader of Transactional Department.

Nominee’s Company/Affiliation: Rosenberg & Estis

Nominee’s City & State of Employment: NY, NY


What advice would you give the next generation of leaders in your industry?

Find a firm that feels like “home.” I’m proud and lucky to be part of Rosenberg & Estis. I get to help clients achieve goals, shape New York City’s skyline and mentor. Few endeavors can match the reward of helping a firm that feels like family succeed for 34 years.

What is your management style?

First and foremost, I believe in trust—that we hire right, that employees can work independently and that they’re good collaborators, who ultimately want to make the firm a better place to work. Believing people are hardworking professionals who want to get things done and do them efficiently facilitates productivity.

What was the most difficult experience you have encountered as a leader?

Making the best decisions amid pandemic uncertainties, with real-time impacts for all 165 employees regarding staffing, furloughs and compensation. Long hours of discussion, analysis and debate with our executive committee and my partners did not prevent every mistake, but a good attitude and thoughtful debate helped ensure a brighter future

What award were you most proud to receive?

Recognition and faith from colleagues and clients. Plaque ceremonies come and go, but loans, leases, legal decisions, building sales and precedential court holdings last a lifetime. Hiring and promotion decisions also are rewarding because they too can last a lifetime especially because those you can shape and foster careers.

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