2021 Women in CRE: Stefanie Marazzi, Hirschen Singer & Epstein LLP

November 02, 2021 - Spotlights

Name: Stefanie Marazzi

Title: Partner

Company Name: Hirschen Singer & Epstein LLP

In the past year, what project, transaction or accomplishment are you most proud of?
This year I gave birth to my first child, which is possibly my proudest accomplishment, second only to HSE’s successful rezoning of 840 Atlantic Ave., a drive-through McDonald’s on Atlantic Ave. on the border of Prospect Heights, just east of the future Pacific Park, and is a site that is really appropriate for higher density commercial and residential use. I was also really proud to serve as land use counsel for Casa Celina, a new affordable senior housing building next to Sotomayor Houses in the Bronx, being developed by Xenolith Partners, the Kretchmer Companies, ELH Mgmt. and JASA. The team included a lot of fabulous women and I love working on projects that will make a positive difference in the city.

How do you keep your team motivated despite conflicts and obstacles?
I try to stay positive, kind and encouraging at all times. Law and real estate can be very stressful, but no one produces quality work when they feel terrified or demoralized. Also, this is our one life to live as best we can—no one wants to wake up at 40 and realize they spent a decade stressed out and miserable.

How do you contribute to your community or your profession?
I’m a big fan of two organizations and I do whatever I can to support them and stay involved: Citizens Housing and Planning Council, a non-profit that advocates for sensible housing policy in New York City, and the Riders Alliance, a non-profit that advocates for better public transportation in New York City. I love these organizations because public transportation is the lifeblood of this city and it’s in desperate need of a massive upgrade. And of course we need more housing, at all income levels.

How do you advocate for your fellow women in real estate?
I think women in real estate are drawn to each other through our shared experience—women are some of my best clients and favorite land use attorneys and consultants. I sing their praises to anyone who will listen.

What books or social media influencers would you recommend to other women?
I’m reading “Pachinko” by Min Jin Lee—it’s this epic historical fiction about four generations of a Korean family. It’s great. And while they’re not books, I’d recommend the Netflix miniseries “Maid,” about a young single mother working as a maid to escape domestic violence, as well as “I May Destroy You,” a HBO miniseries about a young Black woman writer dealing with sexual assault. Men would benefit from watching these as well!

Why should women consider a career in commercial real estate and related services?
I work in zoning and land use specifically, because I love this city and its built form—the buildings, the streets, the design. I’d suggest zoning and land use for anyone who loves the city, loves architecture and loves thinking critically about why the city is laid out the way it is, and how we might improve or modify that as the city grows.

Tell us a thing or two about you that is NOT on your resume or LinkedIn profile?
I grew up in Germany in an American military-adjacent family, which instilled in me a lifelong love of exploring other countries and cultures.

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