2019 Ones to Watch: Andrew Natter, Collaborative Group

November 05, 2019 - Spotlights

Name: Andrew Natter

Title: Owner

Company Name: Collaborative Group

Address: 501 5th Avenue, Ste. 707, New York, NY 10017

Who or what do you attribute to your success?
I attribute most of what I’ve accomplished thus far to my partner, Harold Fuchs. He has been in the business much longer than I have and he has worked alongside some of the most successful real estate professionals around today. He’s taught me everything, real estate related, that I know.

?What advice can you offer to someone who is just getting started in your industry?
This is the advice I give myself each morning…real estate deal making is a numbers game. The key to winning is to identify motivated buyers and sellers. Take as much action in the form of phone calls, emails, texts, handwritten letters and in-person meetings as possible. Also, treat everyone with respect, focus on building relationships rather than individual deals and figure out how to control your emotions.

Who are some leaders that you admire and why? ?
I admire Bill Gates, Derek Jeter, Richard Branson, Sam Walton, Connor McGregor and the Rock for all the same reasons. They think big, work hard, relentlessly pursue their visions even when others doubt them, and are constantly re-inventing themselves. 

What was your favorite thing to do when you were a kid?
Sports. I played soccer, basketball and baseball through high school. I loved working hard towards achieving a goal, the competition and the team environment.

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