Year-long study reveals results of new HVAC cleaning process

May 26, 2015 - Green Buildings

Kenneth Coffey, TechClean Industries

A new technological innovation in the heating and air conditioning (HVAC) servicing sector, GreenAir Process, licensed by Ronkonkoma, NY-based TechClean Industries, has proven to save energy and money, and help the environment - as well as the people in it - by providing cleaner air.
TechClean recently concluded a year-long study in which the performance of HVAC systems at a large pharmaceutical manufacturer was analyzed before and after restoration and cleaning using the patent pending GreenAir Process and Clean & Green HVAC cleaning agent. This unique combination of process and cleaner restores to near new the thermal transfer efficiency of heat exchange surfaces for coils, chillers and cooling towers, thus extending the life cycle of the equipment.
How It Works: The GreenAir Process is a green, environmentally friendly procedure that uses super-heated pressurized water and Clean & Green HVAC, a PH neutral, probiotic (good bacteria) cleaning agent that contains no VOCs. The GreenAir Process naturally enables the water to act as an organic solvent, breaking down surface contaminants in preparation for the application of Clean & Green which contains healthy bacteria that then populates unit surfaces.
These bacteria remain active until the available microbiological food source is exhausted. Air can again pass freely through coils, get heated or cooled more efficiently and eliminate the possibility of mold growth. Duct work is then sealed from the inside, filling in holes or seam gaps to stop air from escaping and keep it regulated to the proper temperature
Humidity and temperature control is key in pharmaceutical companies and many other industries, such as hospitals and laboratories, that work with powdery substances or require sterile environments. In the study, the GreenAir cleaning process was able to achieve this by helping the HVAC systems perform more efficiently, reduce the risk factor from accumulated bacterial infestation such as mold-sourced issues and eliminate odors that trigger respiratory problems and allergies.
With the systems in operation 24 hours/day, 365 days/year, usage was decreased by 29 KWH per hour achieving return on investment (ROI) in less than one year, based on current average KWH rates in New York and New Jersey of 15.4 cents. With proper maintenance, those savings will be realized year after year.
TechClean technicians are certified and trained in the GreenAir Process by GreenAir Environmental. To learn more, visit
Kenneth Coffey is the president of TechClean, Ronkonkoma, N.Y.
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