William Miller, Assistant Vice President - M&T Bank/Bohemia Business Banking Center

February 18, 2008 - Financial Digest

William Miller

Name: William Miller
Title: Assistant Vice President
Company: M & T Bank/Bohemia Business Banking Center
Location: 648 Johnson Ave., Ste.102, Bohemia, NY 11716
Birthplace and year: Manhattan, N.Y., Baby Boomer
Family: Wife, Jeanne; sons: Kristopher & Kenneth
College: American Institute of Banking/St. Peter's College
First job outside of real estate: Commercial banker
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? My contribution to my "Bohemia Banking Team" will be to support the bank in developing its full potential, and to reach a level of customer satisfaction and excellence.
Hobbies: Devoted jet fan (J-E-T-S), American Red Cross volunteer; education, advocate for Long Island
Favorite book: "The Five People you Meet in Heaven" by Mitch Albom
Favorite movie: "Animal House"
Person you admire most (outside of family): The late Princess Diana
Key to success: Confidence is contagious and so is lack of confidence, and a customer will recognize both.
If you had to choose another vocation what would it be? Being an educator, the challenge of teaching is outnumbered only by the rewards that come from helping children realize their dreams.
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