Wet switches prevent water leaks

May 21, 2012 - Green Buildings

Air filters

Water leaks are a huge issue for air conditioning units. A small leak can become a huge headache. As a New York City air conditioning maintenance company, we can tell you with certainty that the number one cause of these leaks is a lack of system maintenance. You may picture a water leak to be a minor drip. However, this drip is not always minor and, even if it appears to be, a constant stream can cause major damage.
Have you ever looked up at a ceiling tile and saw a dark stain? That means there was a leak from the floor above you or a pipe in the ceiling. That discoloration is a clue that something is wrong. If an air conditioning leak is not repaired, property owners or managers can end up spending tens of thousands of dollars renovating a ceiling that caved in. More importantly, this can become an extremely dangerous situation in which people can get seriously injured.
You may be wondering how you can prevent a water leak. The answer? Two words: Wet switches. A wet switch is a sensor that immediately turns your unit off when it senses water. It is located inside of the secondary drain pan. If the unit has a water leak, the drain overflows and wets the switch. Once water touches it, the wet switch lights up red and instantly turns off the unit.
As you can imagine, wet switches are one of the most popular HVAC products out there. If you own a house or building that has central air conditioning, then wet switches are imperative for your units. No more water leaks, no more water-related damage, no more worrying or paying unnecessary fees.
As a NYC air conditioning service company, we feel that it is our duty to educate the public about ways they can prevent air conditioning problems. Call (212) 983-3330 or visit interstateair.com for additional information and more articles about helpful health and HVAC tips. Interstate Air Conditioning & Heating is located at 1133 Broadway, Suite 706, New York, NY 10010.
Raymond Kishk is the co-owner of Interstate Air Conditioning & Heating, New York, N.Y.
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