The Water Scrooge conserves water and money

August 24, 2015 - Green Buildings

David Schwartz, The Water Scrooge

If you are a property owner or manager that is deeply concerned about your high water usage? You are not alone.
Despite showers being one of the highest patrons of water, there has not been any effective water-saving innovation in this sector in over a century, until now. With its patented breakthrough technology, The Water Scrooge provides building owners and management companies a unique, affordable, and effective approach to conserve water and money.
The Water Scrooge offers tamper-proof devices installed behind the shower wall in just minutes. Their patented technology is the only effective tamper-proof shower regulator on the market in today's day and age. The Water Scrooge's regulators save water and energy usage. The maintenance free, tamper-proof design makes their products the fix for saving money on your water and hot water bills.
By decreasing wasteful water usage, managers will be able to save on their water bills without compromising water pressure. Energy is a prerequisite to produce hot water; by lowering your water consumption you will in turn reduce your energy usage. In turn, hot water accounts for 65% of residential water usage; therefore the energy savings can be considerable.
Water costs are on a steady upward incline, according the DEP "The rate for water and sewer charges will increase by 2.97% starting July 1, 2015." Get ahead of the ball before it's too late and contact the Water Scrooge to maximize your unrealized savings!
David Schwartz is the inventor of The Water Scrooge and CEO of DS Magic Tech, LLC, Lynnbrook, N.Y.

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