The National Realty Club (NRC): Friendships you can build on

March 06, 2009 - Front Section

Shown (from left ) are: NRC president, Tom Graf and Sam Chandan, speaker at a recent NRC event.

Shown (from left ) are: Michael Bailkin, Esq., speaker at NRC's Ferbruary 2nd luncheon, and Jerry Fuchs, NRC program chair.

Shown (from left ) are: NRC governor, Josh Prottas; Barry LePatner, Esq. speaker at NRC's February 17th luncheon; NRC president Tom Graf; and Brian Evans, NRC special event chairman.

The National Realty Club has been around for over 60 years. Established in 1947 as a forum for the exchange of ideas and furtherance of business among real estate owners, builders and developers, the NRC today counts among membership many multi-generational "real estate families." Members are also lawyers, accountants and other service professionals, bankers, lenders, brokers and brokerage firms, managers, and developers.
The NRC offers a variety of events to its members. The 19 luncheon programs feature speakers who have unique insights and information for their group. The cocktail [arties are informal gatherings that offer the chance to socialize and network. The Business-Builder Breakfasts are a forum for members to reach out to each other for opportunities. Tom Graf said, "Members should consider the membership as a resource for doing business." They also have begun a series of special events for our membership, headed by their NRC governor, Brian Evans. These events include Vodka & Caviar Nights, Wine Tastings, and Steak and Ale dinners.
Please visit NRC's website,, for an overview of our club.
The "Business-Builder Breakfasts" have been successful and are a valued member benefit. These events are for members only. "We dedicate these programs to getting business done," said Graf. Members share what they do and what they need from each other at the breakfast in an "elevator pitch." Graf instituted another great member benefit by having cocktail parties for the members and their guests as a way for members to get to know each other. Graf said, "I noticed that members did not necessarily know each other. Now, I see that deals are getting done." NRC's motto, after all, is 'Friendships you can build on.'
"We encourage membership in the NRC. There are many benefits to being a member, not the least of which is greatly discounted luncheons and other programs, for which non-members pay a premium," he said.
Membership applications are available by email to [email protected] or to [email protected] or to [email protected].
Benefits of membership include:
*Discounted prices for lunch programs, special events and cocktail parties;
* Members only programs, such as the Business-Builder Breakfast;
* Discount for special events such as the golf outing;
* Membership directory emailed to the members;
* Access to a members only section on our website,;
* Subscriptions to real estate publications such as the New York Real Estate Journal; and
* Participation in LinkedIn community for NRC.
Upcoming NRC programs  
*Tuesday, March 17th: Luncheon at noon with David Schectman, senior director at Eastern Consolidated on "distressed turnarounds."  
* Thursday, March 19th: Business-Builder Breakfast at 8:30 a.m. This is for members only.
* Monday, April 6th: Luncheon at noon with Ari Shalam of Taconic Partners.
* Tuesday, April 14th: Cocktails at the NRC
* Tuesday April 21st: Luncheon at noon with Neil Bader of Wells Fargo on residential mortgages.
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