The future of affordable housing in New York City - by Heidi Burkhart

May 17, 2016 - Design / Build
Heidi Burkhart, Dane Real Estate Heidi Burkhart, Dane Real Estate

Affordable housing is a hot topic for many to talk about but without funding there will never be enough housing to fill the need.   The demand to rehabilitate or build brand new is continually in need. The supply of public funding to support the demand is never sufficient leaving the need greater than the ability to produce.  This is not the fault of agencies or government officials. They are the ones who advocate so loudly for more funding.  I would argue that the public needs to be louder in their actions and not just words. By actions I mean joining together in creating solutions rather than pointing fingers at each other on where money is being spent, made—or where fault is. 

My firm, Dane Real Estate, specializes in affordable housing brokerage where in we assist in trades of privately and publically owned residential complexes.  I have found this industry to be stable, steadily growing—but constantly in need of more funding as the gap widens between high- and low- income demographics.  Similar to the missions of cancer foundations, the public needs to join together to bring a positive, collective, and louder voice to affordable housing.  We need to demand more attention be given to the growing issue of rising housing costs.  The American Dream has always been seen as owning a house—but I would argue we need to change this way of thinking to a similar need...just providing roofs over the heads of all.  We will all be better off if we collectively improve the quality of life for all people of this great and beautiful country we call the United States of America.

You asked me where I feel the future of affordable housing is headed. I know I will continue to close large affordable housing complex deals for our for-profit and non-profit clients but the number will still fall short of the need. Affordable housing will always be part of our cities and communities; it will always be in demand. That said, it appears that we will always have a shortage of funding to meet the housing needs.  We need to act on our plans not just speak about them. They say actions speak louder than words. I vowed this year to do my part in aiming to be a louder voice, and take more constructive actions, to ensure that more funding for affordable housing is budgeted. I am confident I will be seen as a leader of change for: more funding, more housing, and more families in safe, affordable homes.

Heidi Burkhart is the president of Dane Real Estate, New York, N.Y.

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