Union, NY The Agency, which governs the Broome County Industrial Development Agency and the Broome County Local Development Corp., has selected a consulting team led by Elan Planning Design and Landscape Architecture to conduct a redevelopment study on 600 Main St., the former site of BAE Systems.
The Agency now owns the property and will work with Elan’s team to identify site development costs, assess flood mitigation needs, and conduct economic analyses for potential uses. The Agency expects to issue a developer RFP later this year. The BAE building, which was devastated by flooding from Tropical Storm Lee in 2011, was demolished by the Air Force in 2017.
Elan, which is based in Saratoga Springs, New York has included Binghamton-based Griffiths Engineering and Woidt Engineering. Both firms have extensive experience with post-2006 and 2011 flood mitigation efforts. Elan will also work with Venue Strategies to conduct an economic analysis of potential uses.
The Agency also expects to work closely with town’s economic development and planning departments to ensure that uses identified align with the town and the county’s comprehensive plans.
Support for the study came through Senator Charles Schumer’s office, who assisted in securing grant funds from the Office of Economic Adjustment to complete the redevelopment study and create a master plan for the 27-acre site.
Senator Charles Schumer said, “I worked hard to deliver the federal resources to resurrect the flood-damaged former BAE site, and the selection of a firm to lead a comprehensive redevelopment study is welcome news. In no time, this vacant lot will be bustling with new development and activity, making a positive contribution to Broome County’s economy. I look forward to the firm’s recommendations and will help The Agency, the town of Union and Broome County to bring them to fruition.”
The Agency has identified the redevelopment of 600 Main St. as a critical economic development priority in the year ahead. “This property is in the center of our urban core and it’s imperative that we identify the right development opportunity,” said Stacey Duncan, deputy director of community and economic development at The Agency. “Elan has put together a great team and understands our goals for this study. We are looking forward to working with them.”
Lisa Nagle, principal of Elan Planning said, “We are extremely excited to assist The Agency and the town on the redevelopment of this key site. Repurposing previously developed sites in our urban centers is key to the long term sustainability of our upstate NY communities. Integrating recent investments such as the Binghamton University Pharmacy School, the planned nursing school, and the Johnson City Health and Cultural iDistrict present opportunities to think broadly about revitalization.
Agency officials expect that final recommendations for the redevelopment of the property will be complete by November of this year.

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