Taylor, The Builders and Passero Associates break
ground on 8,260 s/f Hope Hall School renovation/expansion

March 28, 2023 - Design / Build
Shown (from left) are: John Thorne of Florence M. Muller Foundation, Maureen Davitt, Mark Davitt, Hope Hall board of trustees members Donna Murano and Robert August, Peter Roetzer of Passero Associates, Sister Diana Dolce SSJ of Hope Hall School, Mira Majibovsky of Passero Associates, Karl Schuler and Ashley Quaintance of Taylor, The Builders, and Cosmo Giunta, Gates town supervisor.

Rochester, NY Hope Hall School broke ground last month on a major expansion and renovation of its building, part of which is over 80 years old. The project will double the size of the school’s Woodworking Center and Music Room, add an Inventory Management Center, create a brand new Science Lab, more than doubling the current lab, create a new Social Emotional Learning Classroom, and fund other critical repairs and renovations. The expansion is 4,620 s/f and the renovation is 3,640 s/f.

The groundbreaking ceremony included several lead donors, along with representatives from the town of Gates and the project’s architectural firm and general contractor.

This four-year, $18 million comprehensive campaign has raised more than $14.9 million. There is currently an anonymous $300,000 matching gift in place, made by the family of a former board of trustees member, to help the school continue its fundraising momentum.

Hope Hall is working with the Rochester-based architectural firm of Passero Associates and Taylor, The Builders as its general contractor for all facets of the construction.

Hope Hall wishes to thank key donors, Mark and Maureen Davitt, Robert and Mary Hastings Foundation, the Karpus Family Foundation, and Florence M. Muller Foundation, along with hundreds of others, for their generosity in supporting the vision of the Hope for Tomorrow Campaign in transforming Hope Hall School, in order to provide augmented services and enhanced programming, including scholarships and financial aid, as well as unique programs tailored to the needs of their students.

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