Summer is a great time to do business and network - by Mark Schnurman

June 20, 2017 - Front Section

Memorial Day weekend has just passed, harbingering the early days of summer. Along with warmer weather, barbecues and vacations, summer brings with it the erroneous, limiting belief that the real estate industry takes a hiatus until the ceremonial end of summer–Labor Day. In actuality, the summer months are active and bring with them the opportunity to conduct business and relationships.  

 The nice summer weather brings with it the opportunity to take some time off and travel. It is almost un-American not to take a summer vacation.  Yet vacation for most people does not mean disconnecting. Instead it means conducting business from a different location and, perhaps, for less hours during the day. 

I know very few people, in any business, who completely disconnect these days.  Real estate is a passionate business that its participants love, making it even less likely that people disconnect completely. So do not be afraid to try contacting people.  If they are one vacation and cannot talk they will either not respond or tell you they are on vacation.

Many firms have “Summer Fridays” when they close early. Summer Fridays afford the opportunity to enjoy the weather, avoid traffic and enjoy slightly longer weekends.  But it is not and should not be akin to “accomplish nothing Fridays.” Just because your firm closes early, does not mean you must leave the office or stop working. In actuality, early Fridays are a chance to work from a different venue. Continue to put the hours in just in a little different manner.

 For me, one of the most important professional mantras I have is to never eat lunch alone. Lunch provides the occasion to network, establish and deepen relationships both inside and outside of Eastern Consolidated. Perhaps no season is better than Summer for these lunches or meetings in general. 

During the Winter doldrums, it is hard to motivate to get out of the office.  In stark contrast, Summer weather is a draw to get out of the office and meet with people. Find a little outdoor café and you have the perfect setting for a business meeting. Endeavor to meet someone every day out of the office.

The real estate industry has a lot of events year round but during Summer they are a little more enjoyable.  Whether it is an outdoor charity fund raiser, a golf tournament or a trip down a lazy river, it is important to meet, connect and bond at different venues. When you interact with people out of their regular milieu they act differently. So engage in as many Summer events and venues as possible. Summer is less intense in a lot of ways. People are relaxed and laid back. That affords openings that may not occur at other times.

Summer is a great time to exhibit a relaxed intensity. Do not let your activity level fall during the Summer; instead change the venues and attitudes. For focused real estate professionals, Summer is a great time to do business and set yourself up for a strong end to the year.

Mark Schnurman is chief sales officer, principal at Eastern Consolidated, New York, N.Y.

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