Stegner of CBRE Upstate brokers sale of former Medaille University Campus to Charter School Dev. Corp.

May 14, 2024 - Upstate New York

Buffalo, NY CBRE Upstate NY negotiated the sale of the nearly 14-acre campus that was previously home to Medaille University to Charter School Development Corp. (CSDC).

“At CSDC, we are dedicated to eliminating barriers to access choice and equity in under-resourced communities nationwide. We wholeheartedly support the vision of Buffalo Academy of Science Charter Schools and are honored to be a partner in this game changing campus that will positively impact the community,” said Mark Zeizel, senior vice president, real estate investments and strategy with CSDC.

“Being able to move BuffSci programs to the former Medaille campus is a tremendous opportunity to further our mission of providing academic experiences that prepare our students for college and careers of the highest potential,” said Dr, Joseph Polat, executive director of Buffalo Academy of Science Charter School (BuffSci), “there are few better settings to inspire future generations than a university campus like this.”

CBRE Upstate NY’s brokerage team led by Shana Stegner, represented the seller of the seven buildings on campus.

“It’s bittersweet to see the campus officially change hands, but it is gratifying to know that CSDC and BuffSci will maintain the campus as a place of high academic standards for future generations,” said Michael Moley, chair of the board of trustees for the office of the institution formerly known as Medaille University.

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