White Plains, NY Statewide Abstract Corp. was forced to postpone its 2020 charity golf outing due to COVID restrictions but has rescheduled the St. Jude Scramble Charity Golf Outing for Monday, June 21 at the Westchester Hills Golf Club in White Plains. All activities, including meals and a silent auction, will take place outdoors; rain date will be Tuesday, June 22.
“Since our first event in 2018, we have raised more than $130,000 for St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital and are looking forward to raising an additional $60,000 this year,” said Ken Meccia, president of Statewide Abstract. “St. Jude is a wonderful organization that has done so much for so many children and their families. All money raised will be donated to support their ongoing mission of never charging families of sick children for treatment, travel, housing, or food. We are excited to do our part to support their efforts,” Meccia said.
For more information, please visit: https://www.stjudescramble.org/
Individuals who cannot attend the event but wish to support St. Jude with a donation can visit https://www.stjudescramble.org/ or call 914-683-5900.
The scramble format outing will start at 9:30 am with breakfast and registration. Shotgun play will begin at 11:30 am. Attendees will be treated to lunch, snacks and beverages, followed by the 18 holes of golf. Cocktails and hors d’oeuvres will be served at 4 pm followed by a dinner party and silent auction. Prizes will be awarded for longest drive, closest to pin, beat the pro and a putting competition. The cost for the event including golf is $325 per person. Those who just want to attend the dinner can do so for $100 per person. A range of event sponsorship opportunities are available.

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