
2019 Year in Review: William Gati, AIA, Architecture Studio

What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2019?
I have learned to convert inquiries into billable feasibility studies, avoiding wasted speculative consultations and weeding out

2019 Year in Review: Rob Marek, E-Z Riser Roof Raising

What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2020?
The distinction between industrial and retail will continue to blur in 2020 as e-commerce changes the way we live our lives. Suburban NY needs and will get

2019 Year in Review: Jessica Richer, Hanna Commercial Real Estate

What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2019?
Expanded and enhanced the professional services provided by The Richer Team at Hanna Commercial Real Estate. Mentoring and collaborating with

2019 Year in Review: Chuck Merritt Merritt Environmental

What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2019?
Playing golf for 24 hours straight in a simulator to raise money for charity.

2019 Year in Review: Adelaide Polsinelli, Compass

What was your most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2019?
My team and I have successfully closed over $200 million in sales this year and have another $150 million in the pipeline for 2020. I have been fortunate to have completed transactions outside of New York, as my firm has a national presence.

2019 Year in Review: Adam Hajibai, Klosed Properties

What was your most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2019?
Every single deal this year was a challenging transaction. Two deals come to mind. First is the $17.5 million acquisition of a Bronx Warehouse at

2019 Year in Review: Lev Mavashev, Alpha Realty

What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2019?
As sales activity slowed during 2019 – I’ve taken the opportunity to improve our operations and systems, and set myself up to

2019 Year in Review: Jacob Namdar, Klosed Properties

What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2019?
As a team, we closed on 15 acquisitions in 2019, even though the city passed a ton of regulations/legislation half-way into the year.

2019 Year in Review: Scott Pavick, Liberty Contracting of New York, LLC

What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2019?
Our greatest accomplishment certainly was a 40% increase in growth. Our growth allowed us to diversify our client portfolio a great deal within

2019 Year in Review: Joshua Reiss, Hunt Real Estate Capital

What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2019? 
I was honored this year to be selected by the NYREJ for a “2019 Ones to Watch” award, which I attribute to my success working with Public Housing Authorities (PHA), both in