Schertz of Schuckman Realty sells 215 West 109th St. for $7 million

November 22, 2022 - Front Section
Sam Schertz

Manhattan, NY Schuckman Realty brokered the sale of a multi-family building at 215 West 109th St., in the Manhattan Valley neighborhood. The building, which is located at the corner of Broadway and Amsterdam Ave. sold for $7 million.

Sam Schertz of Schuckman Realty exclusively represented the seller in marketing of the property.

Schertz and the Schuckman team facilitated over 25 tours and had a handful of bidders at the final line making their best efforts to win the deal.

Schertz said,“The building had been floating around off market for a few months, but once our team was able to run our marketing process, we were able to push pricing over 10% higher then were previous offers were coming in. The buyer of this property should do very well in the near term, being able to capitalize on below market rents in the 70% fair market property.”

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