Each building is unique and can become more efficient in its own way. Often lighting can be the easiest if done with good guidance. A change of fixtures and bulbs and installation of sensors can make a huge impact on the amount of energy used in a building, and the productivity of workers. With consideration for reduction in maintenance due to these changes, the ROI can be between one and two years. Tweaking some of the existing equipment can make a difference in the energy consumed and improve the function of the equipment. There are diverse options for building owners and operators to consider ranging from major retro commissioning to smaller enhancements.
One such change could be converting from oil to gas. With the changes required for use of oil that are in place, it is an excellent time to convert. By 2015, all buildings must stop using #6 oil and by 2050 all must switch to natural gas or #2 oil. The trend is clear. Gas is a cleaner, cheaper fuel source. Gas heat requires less maintenance and contributes far less pollution to the environment. In addition there are options where you do not pay for the conversion upfront but rather from the savings experienced. This is a great choice for large apartment buildings, condos and co-ops, large commercial and industrial buildings who can start saving now and pay later.
So many people have so many choices it can be overwhelming. Each building needs to be reviewed and deserves its own prescription based on the goals of the manager or owner and the condition of the building. Do you need an energy audit, what is your date for compliance with the new laws? It takes time to do the work needed to comply. Don't wait till the last minute. There are stiff penalties for noncompliance. Find someone you can trust and they can help you through it. You will save yourself money while improving the value of your property. You will be very pleased with yourself in the end.
Sherry Rivera is a managing partner at
ENVIRRON, Rockville Center, N.Y.
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