Title: President, Owner
Company: Culligan of New York
Location: N.Y.C. and Long Island, N.Y.
Place of Birth: Ada, Oklahoma
Family: Husband (and business partner) Philip; two sons
College: Southern Methodist University -BA in Economics; SMU Cox School of Business - MBA; Benjamin N. Cardozo School of Law - J.D.
First job unrelated to your current field: Chopping cotton in Elk City, Oklahoma (age 13)
First job in current field: Founder, Culligan Water Conditioning of Manhattan New York
What your firm does now and its plans for the future: Culligan of New York is a closely held exclusive water treatment franchise of Culligan International which is a world leader in water filtration and water treatment. Culligan provides water solutions to residential tenants and home owners, and to commercial and industrial businesses in both N.Y.C. and L.I. We understand that each customer is different; our water treatment plans will continue to be tailored to each customer's unique requirements. We expect Bottle Free Coolers to be fast growing as customers continue to search for low cost, unlimited, sustainable water solutions.
Hobbies: Raja Yoga, family, wellness, community life
Favorite Novel: "The Magic Mountain" by Thomas Mann
Favorite Film: "The Shawshank Redemption"
Keys to success: Know your values and lead by them, come hell or high water
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Helen Keller
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