Rosen and Simmonds of RKF broker 9,000 s/f lease at 419 Broome

July 18, 2017 - Shopping Centers

Manhattan, NY RKF has arranged a 9,000 s/f  lease with Berenik Boutique & Talenthouse N.Y., a first-of-its-kind curated retail and creative workspace concept store. The location will open in July at 419 Broome Street, in  SoHo’s fashion market.

Beth Rosen,


Emily Simmonds,


RKF executive vice president Beth Rosen and associate Emily Simmonds represented landlord Broad Broome LLC. Berenik Boutique & Talenthouse N.Y. was represented by Storefront. 

Located on the south block between Lafayette and Crosby Sts., 419 Broome St. is a cast iron building situated in SoHo, home of the most well-recognized names in global fashion and specialty retail. Neighboring retailers include Bloomingdale’s, Indochino, Madewell, Necessary Clothing, NikeLab21M, Supreme, The Reformation SOHO, and Topshop.

The space consists of 4,500 s/f on the ground floor and 4,500 s/f in the lower level, and features a 15-ft. ceiling, a skylight and original scrollwork accented columns, as well as 35 ft. of frontage on Broome St.

Berenik Boutique & Talenthouse N.Y. provides small, independent specialty retailers with sections of its space, along with staff, furniture and point-of-sale systems. The Broome St.  space will feature a creative workspace area and communal meeting space for readings, performances and screenings.

“SoHo continues to appeal to global and luxury retailers to open their first-to-market stores, and 419 Broome St. is getting a truly first-of-its-kind concept with built-in shop units and workspaces,” said Rosen. “Berenik’s unique positioning reflects the trends at play in the fashion industry, with a focus on creating meaningful experiences for shoppers and providing retailers flexible options to showcase their brand.”

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