Name: Richard Izzo, PG
Title: Vice President
Company Name: CA RICH Consultants, Inc.
What was the most challenging part of working during the pandemic?
For CA RICH, the most challenging time was early on during lockdown. Although, based upon the NY State requirements, some of our projects were deemed essential as affordable housing developments, others were initially excluded from that designation. Our project managers, working with NYSDEC were successful in convincing the NYC Building Department to allow remediation to continue at other sites within NY State and NY City Cleanup Programs. In addition, for non-essential work, such as Phase I and Phase II Assessments, we were able to work with clients to defer some field work and develop modified inspection protocols to ensure the safety of our staff and site occupants.
What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2020?
Working together with CA RICH management and staff, as well as our valued clients and the regulatory agencies to keep projects moving forward on schedule and keep our Firm thriving while protecting the health and safety of all involved during the public health and economic challenges of 2020.
What was your most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2020?
Rockaway Village, Far Rockaway. CA RICH as part of the Phipps Houses development team, completed a Track One (unrestricted use) cleanup under the NY State Brownfield Cleanup Program (BCP). CA RICH worked closely with Phipps and NYSDEC for strategic division of this 10-acre property into separate BCP sites in accordance with development schedules. We turnkeyed the handling of over 120,000 tons of soil/fill including: off-site disposal as regulated waste, off-site disposal using the NYCOER Clean Soil Bank, and certification for on-site soil reuse. The initial development phase includes five buildings comprising nearly one million square feet of combined affordable residential, retail and community space. Cleanup activities have been completed and receipt of the Certificate of Completion is expected by the summer of 2021.

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