Real Estate Tech Tips: Working while commuting

September 26, 2011 - Front Section

Laurence Ross, Highcap Group

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Welcome back from one of the busiest summers!
As the market starts to rock and roll again with one of the busiest summers the CRE industry has had in several years, the time spent commuting has becomes less stressful and more tolerable Those in the tri-state area spend at least 10 to 20% of their time in transit which for most people and companies translates to lost production and revenue. Lugging the laptop is always a pain, and for me started becoming more infrequent. I am now proud to say that I purchased my first iPad which has helped my commute become more productive once again. That, along with the discovery of an incredible free downloadable called Dropbox (, allows me to work on reports and marketing packages while I am in transit.
It is an online storage service that is compatible with the numerous handled devices, or any Windows or Mac PC. The dropbox "folder" which you download is where you store the files you want to access with these devices which then automatically syncs with your other devices so they're available to you everywhere. So in addition to being able to edit on the go, it also comes in handy when information is needed, or for presentation purposes.
This is also a fantastic service to use while on the road where you may not have access to all your desktop tools and files. So not only is the market on the rise once again, but so is commuter production.

Laurence Ross is a managing principal of Highcap Group, New York, N.Y.

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