Port Chester, NY Racanelli Construction Co., Inc. has secured LEED Silver Certification for The Castle –a six-floor, 107,000 s/f apartment and mixed-used complex for which it served as the general contractor/construction manager on behalf of its customer, Castle Port Chester LLC and project developer was JPMorgan Chase.
Securing LEED Silver Certification for The Castle, which encompasses 120 residential units, a parking garage, amenities lobby, courtyard, rooftop amenities and retail space, required that measures and practices be deployed in the construction process. They included sustainable construction practices to promote pollution prevention, encourage the use of alternative transportation measures (e.g., mass transit, bicycles, low-emitting and fuel efficient transportation) by providing access to public transportation, bike storage and changing rooms. The project also promoted water conservation by achieving a water use reduction of 20%, providing water-efficient landscaping, and applying innovative wastewater technology.
LEED Silver Certification was also facilitated for The Castle through Racanelli’s provision of sustainable materials management resources and sustainable practices such as: for the storage and collection of recyclables, construction waste management, materials reuse and use of recycled content.
As for material usage, the company used regional materials, rapidly renewable materials and certified wood.
Indoor environmental quality was promoted through a processes and technologies including thermal comfort design, daylighting, low emitting materials, outdoor air delivery monitoring, increased ventilation and environmental tobacco smoke control.
Racanelli Construction met the aforementioned LEED Silver criteria and achieved high marks in the category of “Innovation in Design” which included the company’s involvement of one of its LEED Accredited professionals.
Racanelli Construction has extensive experience building a variety of LEED projects up through LEED Platinum Certification.

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