R.E. tech tips: Neighborhood and property search tools

March 28, 2008 - New York City

Laurence Ross

There are several services that brokers and owners are familiar with such as costar.com and propertyshark.com that are being used to gather information about particular buildings and development sites. This week I stumbled across an incredible site called EveryBlock.com. This new entry into the scene allows you to search different NYC neighborhoods and gives you some insight as to the civic goings-on in a particular area or on any given street.
In light of recent events surrounding the crane mishap on the east side, EveryBlock becomes that much more valuable as a source of information for new developments in your neighborhood. Find out what building permits have recently been issued, as well as current building violations and those that were cured. Begin your neighborhood or property search by entering a street address, neighborhood, borough, police precinct, community board or by typing a zip code. Find out what is happening on a particular block. It has also evolved into somewhat of a community blog featuring photo sharing sites, dining reviews, personal ads, crime reports and a lost and found section. Check out your favorite restaurant and see how it fared in recent inspections or what liquor licenses are being issued. Also available are recent property sales that have occurred in the area, relevant news articles, recent landmark issues as well as building photos.
This wealth of information is a valuable broker tool when marketing a property or to an owner/developer looking to move into a new neighborhood. Available now in only 3 cities, EveryBlock.com is a neighborhood hit.

Laurence Ross is a senior executive broker of the Platinum Team and co-founder of PropertyRover.com, New York, N.Y.
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