Queens Chamber of Commerce honors Zara Realty

October 19, 2021 - Front Section

Queens, NY The Queens Chamber of Commerce Foundation held its annual charity golf outing at Garden City Country Club, attended by over 250 business leaders representing a cross section of the over 1,300 companies and 125,000 locally-based employees that belong to the chamber, making Queens a great place to live, work, run a business.

The event benefited the chamber foundation’s efforts to local provide students with scholarships and uplift struggling communities in Queens.

The honorees included Zara Realty founders Jay Sobhraj, Ken Subraj, and the late George Subraj, who were acknowledged and honored for providing quality housing throughout the borough, plus a long list of philanthropic endeavors the family leads. Additional honorees included George Xu, founder and CEO of Century Development Group and Maria Odysseos, VP/retail district manager of Investors Bank.

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