PWC PDAC hosts interactive panel discussion and networking Sept. 29th

October 06, 2020 - Owners Developers & Managers

New York, NY What do you do when your construction project doesn’t go according to plan? The answer often depends on whether you are an owner, construction manager or subcontractor.

On September 29th, Professional Women in Construction’s Professional Development Advisory Council (PDAC) held an interactive panel discussion and networking event for members to exchange practical solutions to problems when they arise on a construction project. The Zoom event included a panel of attorneys who shared their experiences navigating issues from three different perspectives: Owner, construction manager and subcontractor.

Sushmita Roy, Esq., construction counsel, HAP Construction LLC was the panel moderator.


• Thomas Tripodianos, Esq., partner at Welby, Brady & Greenblatt, LLP 

• Virginia Trunkes, Esq., counsel at Robinson & Cole, LLP 

• Nicole Woolard, Esq., vice president, assistant general counsel, AECOM 

During the event, the panelists presented attendees with real-world scenarios and polling questions on topics typically encountered by owners, construction managers and subcontractors on a project. The discussion covered topics that included: 

• Force majeure clauses; 

• How to determine whether performance is excused; 

• Remedies for deficient performance; 

• Termination for cause vs. termination for convenience; 

• Mechanic’s liens and how to protect the right to payment; and 

• How liquidated damages are apportioned for delays on a project. 

The panelists addressed the scenarios and polling questions from the point of view of the owner, construction manager and subcontractor. 

The event concluded with small group Q&A sessions with the panelists and networking. Attendees left the event with a quick reference sheet on the topics discussed during the panelists’ presentation.

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