PWC hosts 25th Annual Golf Outing at Wykagyl Country Club; Gold sponsors were Alpha Serve and JRM Construction

August 01, 2017 - Owners Developers & Managers

New Rochelle, NY PWC hosted their 25th Annual Golf Outing at Wykagyl Country Club on June 26th. With 104 golfers and 40 clinic attendees, the outing overall was a success. 

“We are grooming women to golf,” said PWC’s executive director, Chelsea LeMar. “So much business happens on the course, we want to make sure women are on the tee box.” 

The shot gun start for the foursomes was at 12:30 p.m. The weather was beautiful as the golfers made their way around the course. On hole 11, AlphaServe, a Gold Sponsor of the event, set up a taste test for craft beers as a welcomed break for golfers. 

The clinic started at 3 p.m., while the golfers were out on the course. The first clinic was in 2016 with 12 new golfers in attendance, and this year, 40 were in attendance. The pros set up three stations for the new golfers to learn the game, which covered driving and irons, chipping, and putting. 

At 5 p.m., all golfers (foursomes and clinic goers) retreated to the terrace for a cocktail hour followed by dinner. The Champions, Most Honest, Longest Drive, Closest to the Pin and two Most Improved (for clinic goers) awards were awarded. A raffle closed up the night as a fundraiser for the PWC Scholarship Program. 

Sponsoring this event were:

• Gold: Alpha Serve and JRM Construction Management LLC.

• Silver: Skanska.

• Bronze: WSP. 

Sponsoring the golf clinic were Armand, Syska Hennessy Group, and E-J Electric Installation Co. Sponsoring the holes were STV, Jacobson and Co., Ryder Construction, Cirocco and Ozzimo Inc., Structuretone, WB&G, Syska Hennesssy Group, A. Esteban & Company Inc., Penguin, E-J Electric Installation Co., Siemens, Pace Companies, Armand, Tyco Simplex Grinell, Alpha Serve Technologies, Godsell Construction Corp., Duane Morris, Nutanix, JRM Construction Management LLC, Spot-r by Triax, Wade Ray, and Venus Power-Com Supply.




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