Professional Profile: William Sosinsky 2012

November 26, 2012 - Green Buildings

William Sosinsky, Energime Energy Efficiency and the Energime Cos.

Name: William Sosinsky
Title: CEO
Company: Energime Energy Efficiency and the Energime Cos.
Location: 1375 Broadway, 3rd Floor New York, NY
Place of birth: New York, NY
Family: New York/Seattle
College: SUNY Binghamton, NYU
First job unrelated to your current field: Music Producer/Composer
First job in current field: CEO Environomic Solutions 1978-1982
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? Energime Energy Efficiency (E3) is part of the Energime family of global companies that all share the same honorable goal of trying to re-establish a sustainable balance to the world. E3 guides our clients through the entire process of planning, inspection, analysis, cost planning, implementation, and maintenance of a system solution designed to maximize overall utility savings for their sites. We integrate sustainable infrastructure, retrofit existing sites and systems, introduce new operational protocols, providing continuous over-site, monitoring, and offer education/training opportunities to the people and groups we work with. We are proud of the fact that our many esteemed associates and business partners give us a level of capability and experience unmatched in this industry.
Hobbies: Fly Fishing
Favorite novel: East of Eden-Steinbeck
Favorite film: West Side Story
Keys to success: Vision, Preparedness, Passion, Tenacity, Honor, and Commitment
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family) Ghandi, ML King, Lincoln.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? There is no other profession for me.
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