Professional Profile: Robert Fornataro 2015

July 27, 2015 - Green Buildings

Robert Fornataro, SWBR Architects

Name: Robert Fornataro
Title: Senior Designer
Company: SWBR Architects
Location: 387 East Main St., Rochester, N.Y.
Place of birth: Rochester, N.Y.
Family: I'm Italian so I have way too many to list.
College: University of Utah, master's degree in Architectural + Environmental Design
First job unrelated to your current field: I used to sell flowers at Riverside Cemetery off of Lake Ave. in Rochester, N.Y. As you might imagine, I read a lot of books that summer.
First job in your current field: A 450 s/f ski demo building at the top of Park City Ski Resort. The lower level was all glass and I designed it so that you can ski right through the building! It was a fun project and I think people enjoy its uniqueness.
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? It is a great time for us. In the past four years I have seen a shift to larger, more complex design oriented projects. Every project we design incorporates context from a visual and environmental perspective. We have a handful of projects currently in construction that are redefining us as a truly competitive design firm.
Hobbies: Making homemade slime with my two children (it's sustainable and fun!)
Favorite novel: "The Hero with a Thousand Faces," Joseph Campbell.
Favorite film: Nostalgia by Andrei Tarkovsky
Keys to success: Know your limits...then break them!
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be? Do I have too? Ok, ok, I would like to be an astronaut. Infinite space, no gravity...I think it would be a lot of fun.
Person you admire most (outside of the family): Lance Armstrong.
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