Professional Profile: Mindy Wolfle 2013

May 13, 2013 - Long Island

Mindy Wolfle, Armao, Costa & Ricciardi, CPAs, P.C.

Name: Mindy Wolfle
Title: Director of Marketing
Company: Armao, Costa & Ricciardi, CPAs, P.C.
Location: Garden City, N.Y.
Birthplace: Brooklyn, N.Y.
Education: Nassau Community College, SUNY Albany, Adelphi University, CUNY Queens
First job outside of real estate: I've never been in real estate, per se. My last job prior to becoming a marketer was manager of enrollment services for a health insurance company.
First job in real estate or allied field: My first job as a full-time marketer was as director of marketing for an accounting firm.
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? As the director of marketing at Armao, Costa & Ricciardi, I collaborate with the partners in implementing the firm's overall strategic marketing plan and their individual marketing plans; handle social marketing initiatives and content management of the firm's website; create PowerPoint presentations and collateral materials; copywriting; photography; ad campaigns, from conception to design to placement; manage special events and client entertainment; create proposals and responses to RFPs; direct all public relations activities; and network on behalf of the firm. For the future, I am planning on expanding my capabilities in the area of social marketing, the most significant change in public relations that I have encountered in my career.
How do you unwind from a busy day in real estate? After a busy day as a marketer, I like to do crossword puzzles, Sudoku and play Words with Friends and other games on the Internet.
Favorite book or author: Dominick Dunne will always be my favorite author, although I am an avid reader of other authors, particularly in the summer.
Favorite movie: I am a film noir movie buff, so it's hard for me to narrow it down to just one movie. I'll pick one of the most famous, Double Indemnity, with Barbara Stanwyck and Fred MacMurray.
Last song you purchased/downloaded? "Smile" by The Jayhawks
One word to describe your work environment: Busy
Rules to live by in business: Treat people with respect, regardless of their position or "what they can do for you." Have a sense of humor. If you don't know something, do your best to seek out the answers. Never turn someone away with "I don't know." Never stop learning, doing, giving.
If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead) who would it be and where would you go? My father's mother, Minnie, who passed away when he was a very young boy. I would love to meet her and share life stories. Where we go wouldn't matter in the least.
What is your dream job? Minnie Mouse at Walt Disney World.

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