Professional Profile: Jake Regier 2015

June 23, 2015 - Green Buildings

Jake Regier, AGRION

Name: Jake Regier
Title: Energy Storage Advocate
Company: AGRION
Location: New York, NY
Birthplace: Salem, OR
Education: BA in English
First job in real estate or allied field: Energy Storage Advocate
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? I am currently working to educate owner/operators of residential high-rise buildings in NYC and its proximal townships on the benefits that energy storage can provide their portfolios. By reducing utility bills, enabling participation in demand response programs, optimizing renewables, and providing resiliency, energy storage can be a great value-add for a number of reasons.
How do you unwind from a busy day in real estate? A glass of wine and a quick game of on-line Pinochle.
Favorite book or author: Kilgore Trout
Favorite movie: "Chubby Rain"
Last song you purchased/downloaded? Barenaked Ladies' "One Week"
One word to describe your work environment: Hectic
Rules to live by in business: Think outside the box.
If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead) who would it be and where would you go? I would invite Drew Scott to tour my apartment building, and then I would ask him to tell me how much he thinks it's worth. I bet he would be wrong.
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