Professional Profile: David Wallance 2014

July 28, 2014 - Green Buildings

David Wallance, FXFOWLE Architects

Name: David Wallance
Title: Senior Associate
Company: FXFOWLE Architects
Location: New York
Birthplace: Croton-on-Hudson, N.Y.
Education: Cooper Union
First job outside of architecture: Cabinetmaker's assistant.
First job in architecture or allied field: Designer at Rolf Karl Architect in New York.
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Right now I'm just getting my feet on the ground at FXFOWLE, having joined the firm only a few months ago. Previously I was running my own practice and working on a cutting-edge system for modular architecture, and my hope for the future is to design projects at FXFOWLE using that system.
How do you unwind from a busy day? I ride the Metro-North train up the Hudson River. I've never tired of the view.
Favorite book or author: Hard to pick a favorite book. I recently read "Canada" by Richard Ford, which left a powerful impression on me.
Favorite movie: Alfred Hitchcock's "North by Northwest"
Last song you purchased/downloaded? Never have. I listen to Pandora, and I've recently re-discovered vinyl. Still the best sound experience.

One word to describe your work environment: Pellucid.

Rules to live by in business: Ask the right questions; sustain creative tension; check your ego at the office door.

If you could invite one person to dinner (living or dead) who would it be and where would you go? Le Corbusier, on the roof terrace at Villa Savoye. Doesn't need to be dinner. A good bottle of wine with some bread and cheese would be perfect.

What is your dream job? One of my favorite books as a child was "If I Ran the Circus" by Dr. Seuss. In it, a little boy fantasizes about being the circus ringmaster and let's his imagination run wild. I always wanted that job.
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