Professional Profile: Barry Farchi 2012

November 26, 2012 - New York City

Barry Farchi, Azad Property Group

Name: Barry Farchi
Title: Partner
Company: Azad Property Group
Location: 40 Exchange Place, Suite 1501 New York, NY 10005
Birthplace: Tel Aviv, Israel, June 2nd 1969
Family: Wife and two amazing little ones. I'm the eldest of four siblings
College: None
First job outside of real estate: Furniture (right after army)
First job in real estate or allied field: Construction company (my own in Israel)
What do you do now and what are you planning for the future? Right now, we have our new brokerage firm that takes most of my time, but have a management company as well, opening a new brokerage office in NJ, and dealing with investors. As for is the limit and many surprises ahead
Hobbies: Cooking, DJ
Favorite book: "Many Lives, Many Masters"
Favorite movie: Wow..I have many of those, but "Natural Born Killers" is up there
Keys to success: Determination, never stop believing in your goals. Be honest and sincere.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): Doesn't exist
If you had to choose another vocation, what would it be? I love what I do, so I think it would be the same!
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