Mount Kisco, NY AirPuriX air purifiers can pay for themselves many times over in reduction of workdays lost due to illness such as colds, flu, COVID-19 and other viruses as well as by providing greater protection against bringing such illnesses home from the office.
Our AiriX 24 air purification system was developed specifically for these purposes and, when it comes to maximizing air quality in the workplace, we believe it’s the best all-around air purifier available anywhere. Here’s why:
AiriX 24 is an industrial grade air purifier that continuously circulates the room’s air through an internal high power ultraviolet energy system where infectious bacteria and viruses that may be floating in the airstream are inactivated. Two 55 watt UV generators provide more germ killing power than other air purifiers in its class. The air reentering the breathing zone is 99.9% clean.
The presence of ultraviolet energy makes it possible to also treat volatile organic compounds, called VOCs, that create the annoying odors and harmful gases, such as formaldehyde and benzyne, that can be present in indoor spaces. According to the EPA, VOCs can be emitted by products such as paints, office equipment, cleaning supplies, pesticides, and thousands more.
Also contained within the unit is filtration to capture pet dander, a common cause of allergens and skin irritation.
AiriX 24 represents a significant advancement in room air purification technology because it is not just a floor standing fan-filter system for trapping, but not inactivating, the viruses. Changing a fully used filter in such units can be quite messy while changing the AiriX 24 ultraviolet tubes cartridge is simple and quick.
AiriX 24 mounts in the zone where pathogens can float in the air for hours, the upper room area where people are breathing, not on the floor where the pollutants are no longer dangerous. These floor filter units can be annoyingly noisy because a high fan speed is needed to push appropriate air volume through very small filter openings while switching to a quieter fan mode would result in reduced air flow and correspondingly reduced air cleansing.
Ultraviolet energy has been used since the early 20th century in applications ranging from medical sterilization and drinking water disinfection to surface decontamination and air purification.
Ultraviolet light is radiated naturally to the Earth from the sun, but the ozone layer blocks most of it from reaching the Earth’s surface. It can also be produced using generators at the specific wavelengths proven to kill or inactivate these harmful pathogen.
The Airix 24W for wall mounting comes with a cord that plugs into any standard AC wall outlet while the Airix 24C installs nicely in grid ceilings and is best mounted professionally.
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