The annual conference will be held this year June 5-7, 2017 at the Turning Stone Resort & Casino in Verona, N.Y. Chair Guy Blake, CCIM and the planning committee held their initial meeting in December to start planning the events for the 16th Annual NYS Commercial Real Estate Conference, sponsored by the New York State Commercial Association of Realtors, CCIM and the Society of Exchange Counselors.
CCIM will sponsor a full day program on June 5, on the topic of syndication. The Marketing Investment session will be held on June 6, along with Round Table discussions, and June 7 will feature several continuing education classes on a variety of topics. Preliminary plans include presenting a full day course on counseling, a four-hour course that will qualify for meeting the requirements for The Agency and fair housing requirements to renew your real estate license and a three hour Business Valuation class.
Mark your calendar and save the dates! Please watch for further details as we move forward with the planning. If you know of someone who would benefit by becoming a conference sponsor, please have them contact Ali Mann ([email protected]) or Sherry Marr ([email protected]). We look forward to seeing you at the conference!
NYSCAR Board to Meet in February
On February 4, the NYSCAR Board will meet at the Desmond Hotel and Conference Center in Albany, New York. Officers and new governors will be installed.
Code of Ethics and Professional Standards Training
This course, sponsored by the NYS Association of Realtors, is a must for local board/association presidents, directors, executive officers, professional standards administrators and legal counsels, in addition to grievance and professional standards committee members. Any other members interested in learning more about the professional standards process are welcome. The course satisfies NAR’s mandatory ethics training requirement.
In this course, you will:
• Gain a full understanding of the conduct of ethics and arbitration hearings, enforcement procedures and disciplinary guidelines.
• Learn about the mediation process and its benefits.
• Explore the mandatory Ombudsman program and citation options.
Upcoming classes include:
March 7 – in Syracuse
March 9 – in Saratoga
March 10 – in Lake Placid
March 27 – in Batavia
March 28 – in Binghamton
6 Hours of CE credit is included. Cost: $125 members/$150 non-members. Go to for full information and to register.
Brian DiNardo is the president of NYSCAR and is a NYS licensed real estate broker, DiNardo Realty Corp., East Rochester, N.Y.

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