Picone Construction completes part of Pioneer Central School District’s $31 million project

February 05, 2015 - Upstate New York
Pioneer High School’s science wing addition Pioneer High School’s science wing addition
Yorkshire, NY Picone Construction Corp. has completed the Pioneer High School’s science wing addition. Teachers and students have begun to move into these state-of-the-art classrooms which include: lab areas, storage rooms, and modern equipment such as Smartboards and LED projectors. A ribbon cutting ceremony was held at on January 20 at Pioneer High School, 12125 County Line Rd. This addition is part of Pioneer Central School District’s $31 million capital improvement project and additionally includes: reconstruction at Pioneer Middle, Delevan Elementary, Arcade Elementary, and the bus garage. Continued work at Pioneer High School includes: a new performing arts suite, large group instruction space, new board of education room, expanded bathrooms, mechanical room, and storage/sawmill. Gordon W. Jones Associates is the architect.
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