The board of governors of the New York State Commercial Assoc. of Realtors met at the Turning Stone Resort and Casino in Verona, on October 2, 2023. Committee reports and chapter reports were given and officers and governors were elected as follows: President, Robert Strell, WNY; first vice president, Mercedes Brien, RAC, second vice president, Carolyn Vinci, WNY and treasurer, Andrew Mangini, Gtr. Capital. Governors with a three-year term: Edward Gallacher, CCIM (Syracuse); James Kelly, CCIM (Syracuse); Hilary Ryan Goldman (Hudson Valley); Ginny Squire, CCIM, (Rochester). The communications committee reported that they will continue their plan to highlight the benefits of NYSCAR membership and also advertise the organization to the general public. RPAC chair Michael Johnson reviewed several legislative items and reported that $9,070 has been raised for RPAC (Realtors Political Action Committee) which is 216% of the goal of $4,195.
I was pleased to report that I have visited several of the NYSCAR chapters throughout the state: Hudson Valley, NYC/LI, So. Tier, Rochester Area Chapter and Western NY. This was a great opportunity to visit with members to discuss the commercial real estate industry. I plan on visiting the rest of the chapters in the near future.
Many thanks to past president Edward Smith, Jr., for teaching his CIREC class in August and September via Zoom which is always a great course for the students whether they are new to the industry or taking it as a refresher, everyone seems to enjoy. This 22.5 hour course also includes some of the mandatory topics needed for license renewal in NYS.
We were also fortunate to have Anthony Gatto, Esq., director of legal services, NYSAR, present a one-hour legal seminar which was well received by the participants. The course also qualifies for the hour legal needed for license renewal.
Most recently (Oct. 6th) we were honored to have New York state trooper Steven Rothwein, school and community outreach coordinator from Troop G, New York State Police, Albany, who taught “Safety and Security for Real Estate Professionals.” Steve gave the attendees tips to stay safe at the office as well as while showing properties and meeting with clients. Trooper Steve also discussed what you should do if you are in a situation with an active shooter. We appreciate the time that trooper Steve spent with us giving tips and answering questions.
We are pleased to welcome David Conroy, director of emerging technologies, National Association of Realtors who will be our presenter on November 28 to talk about AI.
NYSCAR will continue to offer Zoom classes free of charge for NYSCAR members in 2024!
Robert Strell is president of NYSCAR and is an associate real estate broker, real estate consultant with Hanna Commercial Real Estate, Rochester, NY.

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