National Grid provides $850,000 in local grants

October 01, 2019 - Upstate New York

Buffalo, NY According to National Grid, the company is providing grant programs for economic development. This latest round of funding totals $850,000 for the following ventures:

  • $100,000 for Mill Race Commons LLC in Buffalo’s Larkinville District towards engineering and design costs;
  • $250,000 for 598 Main Street LLC, towards engineering and design costs for Millrace Commons, a 84,000 s/f, five-story building at 799 Seneca St.;
  • $300,000 for Ciminelli’s 201 Ellicott St. project, which consists of a 2.4 acre parking lot the company plans to redevelop into a grocery story and residential complex.
  • $100,000 for BriteSmith Brewing Co., which will use the grant towards electricy upgrades at two buildings the brewery is repurposing, at 5611 and 5609 Main St. 
  • $100,000 to Quaker Houghton, for expansion, new electricity services, and equipment upgrates at its 4d Treadeasy Ave. facility in Batavia.
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