Nadine Cino, Tyga-Box Systems. Inc

February 07, 2011 - Spotlights

Nadine Cino, Tyga-Box Systems. Inc

Name: Nadine Cino
Title: CEO & co-Inventor
Company/firm: Tyga-Box Systems. Inc,
Years with company/firm: 14
Years in field: 14
Years in real estate industry: 14
Address: 501 Seventh Ave, PH, New York, NY 10018
Telephone: 212-39i8-3809
Email: [email protected]
Real estate organizations / affiliations: CoreNet, IFMA, BBB, AMSA, IAM. MCC

What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2010?
2010 was significant in these three ways: 1) development and introduction of the "Net-Zero-Waste-Move," nominaition biy Citi as "Global Vendor of the Year for 2010;" Development of the "Tenant Advocacy Group" as an offshoot of chairing IIFMA NYC Sustainability Committee.
What was your most notable project, deal or transaction in 2010?
Our contract to provide the Tyga-Box System to Citi was renewed for the third time since inception of National Agreement.
How do you contribute to your company and / or the industry?
From an industry perspective, we add value to the move process by reducing move labor costs by 30%, delivering exponential financial and sustainability results to our customers, their shareholders and stakeholders.
What advice would you give to women just starting out in commercial real estate?
Request that Lee Kosmak from Newmark & Knight mentor you. If that's not workable, then follow her philosophy and educate your prospects in the matter of treating real estate as corporate strategy, not as a stand-alone transactional piece of business.
How do you manage the work/life balance?
Erratically. I LOVE what I do, and yet, I would like more time available to pursue travel, sculpting, hanging with friends and family, mentoring entrepeneurs and scuba diving.
Who or what has been the strongest influence on your career?
My life partner, co-Inventor and co-founder of Tyga-Box Systems, Inc., Marty Spindel. I feel a gratitude towards him like I have felt for no other, and through the guts, glory and true grit of launching and growing our reusable crate concept and company, he has ALWAYS been my anchor. He has encouraged me to grow, and has seen me spread my wings and fly into greatness...or a wall!!! What's most that he stands by me still...
What impact has social networking had on your business?
The impact of social networking on our business can be huge. I sheepishly acknowledge that I am a late bloomer in this important area of relatedness. I look forward to the "discovery process" during which I come to better understand the freedoms and constraints of the "viralness" of technology.
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