Midouhas-designed project honored by AIA-NJ

May 10, 2010 - Front Section
Long Beach Island, NJ The Nissenblatt Residence in Loveladies, designed by Midouhas Architecture, led by Stephen Midouhas, AIA, has won an Honor Award in the "Design/Build" category from the N.J. chapter of the American Institute of Architects (AIA-NJ). The award was one of 11 awards awarded at AIA-NJ's annual Design Day event held at the Princeton Theological Seminary in Princeton.
The design awards were presented at an awards dinner at Thomas Edison College in Trenton, N.J. All of the award-winning architects are based in -- or have a connection to -- New Jersey.

"We are delighted to be able to recognize these extraordinary designs," said Stacey Ruhle Kliesch, AIA, LEED AP, immediate president of AIA-NJ. "The range of the winning entries -- from a university for Islamic sciences in Libya to a contemporary residence at the Jersey Shore -- demonstrates the versatility of our homegrown architectural talent."
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