Michael Edery, Paradigm Commercial Real Estate LLC

December 22, 2014 - Spotlights

Michael Edery, Paradigm Commercial Real Estate LLC

What was the best thing that happened to you or your firm in 2014?
We were fortunate to experience exponential growth, and the best year since the pre-2007 era.
What was your most notable project, deal, transaction or personal achievement in 2014?
My most notable accomplishment was encroaching on the $500,000,000 closing mark for just one client; a family office.
What are you looking forward to accomplishing in 2015?
More, bigger, and better
What are your predictions for 2015?
My predictions for 2015 are, truthfully, what Warren Buffet always says; 'be fearful when people are greedy and greedy when people are fearful'. Its time to be fearful.
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