Name: Michael Edery
Job Title: Managing Member
Company Name: Paradigm Commercial Real Estate
What was the most challenging part of working during the pandemic?
Kind of like everything…Borrowers being disjointed with COVID reality, banks being disjointed with borrowers’ reality, me trying to make a meager living…Terrible combination those are.
What was your greatest professional accomplishment in 2020?
Does surviving a bad bout of COVID count? ‘Cuz that was my big accomplishment!
What are your predictions for commercial real estate in 2021?
Industrial and senior housing are the ways to go. Hands down!
What aspects of working from home did you enjoy most?
Stopping whenever I want to go for a quick jam on my bass guitar…Its amazing what unemployement can do for one’s bass guitar skills…
What was your most notable project, deal, or transaction in 2020?
Closing a loan for a private, non-profit religious school, secured only by a negative pledge, with no personal guarantee from board memebers, at 2.35% For ten years fixed. Did i mention that part of the term was interest only? OK, part of the term was interest only…

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