Message from the president of NAIOP Upstate New York - Webinar today at 2 PM

March 25, 2020 - Upstate New York
Ryan Zebro, president of NAIOP Upstate New York

What a time we are living in. As families, companies and citizens are impacted by COVID-19, we at NAIOP Upstate New York will continue to monitor the situation and plan accordingly. As a chapter we will come together when prudent to discuss how we can work together as local industry leaders who will be an important part of the recovery. Being united and visible is vital.  Until then, we support your priorities with your families, businesses and community. I encourage you to join today's Webinar, provided through NAIOP Corporate to plan for the recovery. I also have provided a link to expressed sentiments from around the country to emphasize that we are in this together. Be well, and I look forward to seeing you soon.

Webinar information:

"Macroeconomic Impacts of COVID-19: Potential Implications for CRE" Webinar

Speaker: Dr. Timothy Savage, clinical assistant professor of real estate

  • Professor Savage, Ph.D. will provide an unbiased assessment of the macroeconomic impacts of COVID-19.  He will address implications for Office and Industrial performance in light of the extraordinary monetary and fiscal policies being enacted in Washington, D.C., and worldwide. 

To access the webinar, CLICK HERE. Participants need to register prior to the Webinar, which begins at 2:00 PM (EDT)

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