Meet the BMAR Member

December 09, 2014 - Front Section

Geri Sciortino, The Bronx Design Group

Geri Sciortino is the owner of a successful graphic design studio and print shop, The Bronx Design Group. Since 1991, she has been responsible for the daily operations of a business that has traditionally been in a male dominated field. Sciortino has used her creativity and marketing expertise to take a home-based business with local customers to one that deals with many different and well known organizations and corporate clients. The Bronx Design Group offers services "from concept to print" unique to the printing industry. Along with her business partner and husband, John and daughter Danielle, Sciortino and her staff pride themselves on producing quality printing within the tightest deadlines.
Geri presently serves on the executive board of directors of the Bronx Chamber of Commerce and is proud to be an active member.
She serves on the membership committee and on the planning committee for the Annual Women of Distinction Luncheon, which raises scholarship money for Bronx girls. She also plans their highly successful Annual Awards Banquet, which recognizes Bronx businesses and their contributions to their communities. Geri was a recipient of The Bronx Chamber of Commerce Leadership Award at their Italian Heritage Annual Event.
Geri also serves on the Board of Managers of the Bronx YMCA and has served as the Chair of their Strong Kids Campaign since 2011, responsible for raising over $160,000 for the Bronx Y. She also sits on the planning committee for Bon Appetit. This annual event combines food tasting and fundraising and brings the business community to the Bronx Y.
Geri was recently inducted to join the Board of Managers for the Bronx-Manhattan North Association of Realtors. She also serves on the Archdiocese of New York Regional Board for Central Westchester and chairs the Recruitment & Development Committee.
Geri was named one of the "25 Influential Bronx Women" by the Bronx Times Reporter, and has been the event's Mistress of Ceremonies since its inception. She was also recognized by Bronx Borough President Ruben Diaz, Jr. at their annual Salute to Italian American Women celebration.
Geri was honored by the New York Women's Chamber of Commerce in 2008 for Excellence in Business. She was also honored by St. Pius V High School at their 18th Annual Excelsior Awards in May, 2010 as the recipient of the Excelsior Entrepreneur Award. Her commitment to her community and entrepreneurial accomplishments were recognized by Mayor Michael Bloomberg, when she was invited to Gracie Mansion for a Breakfast for Small Business Owners.
The Bronx Design Group has been an active participant and proud sponsor of the Annual Bronx Week Celebration hosted by the Office of the Bronx Borough President for over 10 years. Geri served as President of the Pelham Bay Merchants Association for several years and was instrumental in bringing back the traditional Christmas parades which she enjoyed as a child growing up in Pelham Bay. She was also a member of the Providence Rest Foundation, serving on planning committees to raise funds for the building of the new wing of their nursing home. Geri volunteered for 13 years as Director of OLA Parenting Center, in which she provided parenting education for new mothers.
Geri was born in New York City and raised in the Bronx. Geri and her husband John have two daughters, Danielle and Nicole. Danielle has joined the family business and Nicole is a teacher in the Bronx.
Geri Sciortino * The Bronx Design Group
2914 Westchester Avenue, Bronx, NY 10461
T: 718-409-9874, ext. 105 * F: 718-931-0717 *

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