Mortgage Bankers Association of New York Scholarship Foundation hosts Last Mile Logistics breakfast May 2nd

June 04, 2019 - Front Section
Shown (from left) are: Richard Carr, (MBAofNY scholarship chairman), Joshua Harris, Omer Mir Ahmed, Andrew Chung, Jeff Milanaik, Zach McHugh, and Gregg Christensen, (MBAofNY education chairman).

New York, NY The Mortgage Bankers Association of New York (MBAofNY) Scholarship Foundation hosted the Last Mile Logistics breakfast on May 2nd at the Offices of Loeb & Loeb, LLP. A panel discussion was held with some of the city’s most active investors and developers in the space of urban industrial and logistic properties including Joshua Harris of NYU Schack Institute; Jeff Milanaik of Bridge Development Partners, LLC; Andrew Chung of Innovo Property Group; Omer Mir Ahmed of Seagis Property Group LP; and Zach McHugh of Sitex Group.

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