Mark Maddalina 2012

October 29, 2012 - Green Buildings

Mark Maddalina, SWBR Architects

Name: Mark Maddalina, AIA
Title: Senior Associate, Manager of Sustainable Design
Company: SWBR Architects
Location: Rochester, N.Y.
Place of birth: Rochester , N.Y.
Family: Wife, Laurie, and three children,: Julia (16), Nick (13) and Katy (11)
College: Nazareth College of Rochester, B.S. in Studio Art (1987); State University of New York at Buffalo, M. Arch (1997)
First job unrelated to your current field: Prior to now, it has been a well-kept secret that I worked mixing dance music as a nightclub DJ for years prior to entering an art, or eventually, my architectural career. Though it seems unrelated, it allowed me to develop my public speaking skills, taught me how to "read" a room and gave me experience dealing with individuals far more challenging than any client I expect I will ever have.
First job in current field: I started out working for a local E/A firm that has since been acquired. I had the benefit of working with an architect and a mentor, David Carli. While I was there I met a number of great professionals, some of whom I still work with today at SWBR.
What your firm does now and its plans for the future? SWBR provides services in architecture, Interior design, structural engineering, and landscape architecture. We continue to elevate our practice, develop our areas of expertise and are always moving toward a more sustainable design practice.
Hobbies: My family fills my hobby time in a wonderful way, but on occasion I revisit my roots in art.
Favorite novel: With so much reading related to this industry, I hadn't taken the time to sit down with a good novel in a while, but recently found myself pouring through Stephen King's 11/22/63. The concept of changing that piece of our history was just too compelling to resist.
Favorite film: Choosing a favorite film is as hard as selecting a favorite building. While I enjoy almost all of Tom Hanks' work, I think that Schindler's List is probably one of the finest films ever made.
Keys to success: Honest communication, doing your homework and finding passion in what you do.
Person(s) you most admire (outside of family): I admire people like Bill Gates and Bill Clinton that have found new, meaningful, humanitarian callings on the world stage after a lifetime of other successes.
If you had to choose a different profession, what would it be?: My fantasy career would be Movie Director.
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